
Secretary of the CPC Committee of CSGI Prof. LOU Lizhi

Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee of CSGI   Ms. ZHANG Keyu

Dean Prof. LI Bofeng

Deputy Dean Prof. XIE Huan, Prof. FENG Yongjiu

Administration Office

Position Name Tel Email
Director Mr. GAO Ming 86-21-65981085 [email protected]
Administrative Secretary Ms. HAN Jing [email protected]
Financial Secretary Ms. SONG Yiming [email protected]
Foreign Affairs Secretary Ms. LIU Lijun [email protected]
Party Committee Affairs Mr. LI Wuqi 86-21-65989755 [email protected]
Academic Affairs Ms. ZHOU Li 86-21-65981936 [email protected]
Ms. NI Weirong [email protected]
Student Affairs Ms. WAN Yihao 86-21-65983686 [email protected]
Ms. ZHANG Xiaohe