
     Founded in 1932, the discipline of Surveying and Mapping at Tongji University is the birthplace of surveying higher education industry in China. In more than80 years of constant development, the discipline has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents in the fields of surveying, mapping and geographical information and has made great contributions to national construction, social services and economic development, etc.

     Evolved from Survey Department, the current College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics (CSGI) was formally established in 2012, after the independence from the College of Civil Engineering. The college now has two undergraduate majors, i.e., Surveying Engineering and Geographical Information System. Meanwhile, she has granting rights for master’s and doctor’s degree for three second-level disciplines, i.e., Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering.Moreover, she has afirst-level discipline ofSurveying and MappingScience and Technology for doctorate degree granting, as well as amobile station for post-doctors.The discipline ofSurveying and MappingScience and Technologyis the national key construction discipline of "211" and "985" projects, and it was selected as the national "double first-class" construction discipline in 2017.

     The college has a Key Laboratory of Modern Engineering Survey of National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geo-information (NASMG); a Center for Spatial Information Science and Sustainable Development Application;Tongji University Sub-center of Joint Research Center of Crustal Movement Observation Network of China, Ministry of Education; Tongji University Surveying and Mapping Remote Sensing and Navigation Positioning Sub-center of Joint Research Center of Deep Space Detection, Ministry of Education; as well as a Key Laboratory of Surveying and Spatial Information Science of Shanghai Universities.

     The college currently has 44 faculties, among which there is1 academician of Eurasian Academy of Sciences, 1 fellow ofInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE Fellow),1 scholar from the national “Recruitment Program of Global Experts”, 1 leading talent from the “National High-level Talents Specially-support Program”, 1specially-appointed professorand2part-time professorsof “Chang Jiang Scholars Program” of Ministry of Education,3 talents fromthe “National Young Oversea High-level Talents Program”, 1 winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2winners of National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation,19doctoral supervisors,22 professors and 15 associate professors. Eighty percent of the facultiess have oversea experience, furthering their studies or cooperating in scientific research.

     The college has achieved great excellence in both education and scientific research. She developed1national best course and published2national best textbooks on Surveying and Mapping. In the past 5 years, she has cultivated75doctor students,183master students, and over300undergraduates. As for scientific research, in the past 5 years, she has been in charge of 51 national scientific research projects, 32 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, and 65 social service projects, with total scientific research funds of 163 million yuan, and nearly 500 papers have been published, including 161SCI papers, 115 EI papers, and 116 papers in core journals.Her great achievements have gained wide recognition, as she has been granted with over 20 national, ministerial and provincial scientific research prizes, including 1 first prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award.

     With distinctive features in disciplines of Satellite Geodesy, Precision Engineering Surveying, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Cartography, and Geographic Information Engineering, theCollege has played an important role in solving key problems in major national and Shanghai Municipal construction projects and maintains a high reputation. By actively participating in the Chang'e project, major infrastructure projects, such as the construction of World Expo venues, Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel, the East Sea Bridge, Su Tong Yangtze River Highway Bridge, Hangzhou Bay Sea Cross Bridge, Shanghai Subway, etc., the College has achieved remarkable social and economic impacts.