
研究員,[email protected], 全球變化背景下生態系統遙感監測與模型模擬





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簡介:劉芳,研究員,畢業于中國科近20期六合彩結果 地理科學與資源研究所。主要研究方向為全球變化背景下生態系統遙感監測與模型模擬。參與多項美國國家科學基金項目,國家重點研發計劃項目課題,國家科技支撐計劃課題,中國工程院咨詢項目課題,中國科近20期六合彩結果 戰略性先導科技專項課題等。擔任美國地球物理學會(AGU)遙感分論壇召集人,《Climate Smart Agriculture》期刊青年編委等職務。2023年入選上海市領軍人才青年人才(海外)。









2015.01-2021.01:博士后,中國科近20期六合彩結果 地理科學與資源研究所

2011.09-2015.01:博士,中國科近20期六合彩結果 地理科學與資源研究所

2008.09-2011.07:碩士,中國科近20期六合彩結果 地理科學與資源研究所



1. Yuanwei Qin, Xiangming Xiao, Fang Liu, Fabio de Sa e Silva, Yosio Shimabukuro, Egidio Arai, Philip Fearnside, 2023. Forest conservation in Indigenous territories and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon, Nature Sustainability,2023, 6, 295–305.

2. Fang Liu, Xiangming Xiao, Yuanwei Qin, Huimin Yan, Jikun Huang, Xiaocui Wu, Yao Zhang, Zhenhua Zou, Russell B. Doughty. Large spatial variation and stagnation of cropland gross primary production increases the challenges of sustainable grain production and food security in China, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 151408

3. Fang Liu, Zhuxiao Yu, Erqi Xu, Dajing Li, Hongqi Zhang, Yuanwei Qin. Natural and semi-natural land dynamics under water resource change during 1990-2015 in the Tarim Basin, China, Environmental Research Letters, 2021, 16, 085001

4. Yuanwei Qin, Xiangming Xiao, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Philippe Ciais, Martin Brandt, Lei Fan, Xiaojun Li, Sean Crowell, Xiaocui Wu, Russell Doughty, Yao Zhang, Fang Liu, Stephen Sitch, Berrien Moore (2021). Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature Climate Change, 11 (5), 442-448.

5. Huimin Yan, Fang Liu*, Yuanwei Qin, Zhong'en Niu, Russell Doughty and Xiangming Xiao, Tracking the spatio-temporal change of cropping intensity in China during 2000–2015, Environmental Research Letters, 2019, 14, 035008.

6. Yuanwei Qin, Xiangming Xiao, Jinwei Dong, Yao Zhang, Xiaocui Wu, Yosio Shimabukuro, Egidio Arai, Chandrashekhar Biradar, Jie Wang, Zhenhua Zou, Fang Liu, Zheng Shi, Russell Doughty and Berrien Moore III, Improved estimates of forest cover and loss in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000-2017. Nature Sustainability. 2019.2.764-772.

7. Huimin Yan, Fang Liu, Zhongen Niu, Fengxue Gu, Yanzhao Yang, Changes of multiple cropping in Huang-Huai-Hai agricultural region, China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018, 28(11): 1685-1699.

8. Geli Zhang, Chandrashekhar M. Biradar, Xiangming Xiao, Jinwei Dong, Yuting Zhou, Yuanwei Qin, Yao Zhang, Fang Liu, Mingjun Ding, Richard J. Thomas, Exacerbated grassland degradation and desertification in Central Asia during 2000‐2014, Ecological application, 2018, 28, 442-456.

9. Huimin Yan, Fang Liu*, Jiyuan Liu, Xiangming Xiao, Yuanwei Qin, Status of land use intensity in China and its impacts on land carrying capacity, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(4):387-402.

10. Fang Liu, Huimin Yan, Fengxue Gu, Zhongen Niu, Mei Huang, Net Primary Productivity increased on the Loess Plateau following implementation of the Grain to Green Program, Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2017, 8(4) 413-421.

11. Yuanwei Qin, Xiangming Xiao, Jinwei Dong, Bangqian Chen, Fang Liu, Geli Zhang, Yao Zhang, Jie Wang, Xiaocui Wu, Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2017, 124: 89-105.

12. Fang Liu, Hongqi Zhang, Yuanwei Qin, Jingwei Dong, Erqi Xu, Yang Yang, Geli Zhang, Xiangming Xiao, Semi-natural areas of Tarim Basin in northwest China: Linkage to desertification, Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 573: 178-188.

13. Fang Liu, Hongqi Zhang, Erqi Xu, Lei Kang, Responses of grassland net primary productivity to environmental variables in northern China, Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2016, 7(2): 92-100.

14. Huimin Yan, Yongzan Ji, Jiyuan Liu, Fang Liu, Yunfeng Hu, Wenhui Kuang. Potential promoted productivity and spatial patterns of medium- and low-yield cropland land in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26 (3): 259-271.

15. Fang Liu, Hongqi Zhang. Novel methods to assess environmental, economic, and social sustainability of main agricultural regions in China, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2013, 33(3): 621-633.