2023.01至今 同濟大學,長聘副教授
2019.01-2022.12 同濟大學,副教授
2015.03-2018.12 同濟大學,助理教授
2011.02-2014.12 新南威爾士大學,博士,測繪與空間信息科學
2008.09-2010.12 同濟大學,碩士,測繪科學與技術
2004.09-2008.08 同濟大學,學士,測繪工程
1. GNSS異常探測與抗差估計
2. 衛星精密定位完好性監測與評估
3. 室內外多源無縫定位與導航
2020 中國衛星導航定位科學技術一等獎(6)
2019 中海達全國高等學校測繪學科青年教師講課比賽一等獎
2017 上海市科學技術二等獎(10)
2017 第八屆中國衛星導航學術年會青年優秀論文獎一等獎
2013 ION GNSS 2013 Student Award
2013 上海市優秀碩士論文
2023-2026 主持; 國家自然科學基金面上項目:GNSS動態精密單點定位的DIA質量控制方法
2020-2023 主持;上海市自然科學基金面上項目:完好性增強的衛星精密定位理論及應用
2020-2022 主持;上海市科委科研計劃項目:多源融合協同高精度定位理論與方法
2016-2018 主持;國家自然科學基金青年項目:GNSS/Locata/INS無縫組合導航的數據融合與可靠性理論
Yang L., Fu Y., Zhu J. et al. (2023) Overbounding residual zenith tropospheric delays to enhance GNSS integrity monitoring. GPS Solutions ,27: 7.
Zhou C., Yang L., Li B., Balz T. (2023) M_GIM: a MATLAB-based software for multi-system global and regional ionospheric modeling. GPS Solutions, 27: 42.
Yang L., Yu Y., Li B. (2021) Multi-floor Indoor Localization based on RBF Network with Initialization, Calibration and Update. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 20(12): 7977-7991.
Yang L., Shen Y., Li B., Rizos C. (2021) Simplified algebraic estimation for the quality control of DIA estimator. Journal of Geodesy, 95:14.
Yang L., Wang J., Li H., Balz T. (2021) Global Assessment of the GNSS Single Point Positioning Biases Produced by the Residual Tropospheric Delay. Remote Sensing, 13,1202.
Yang L., Shen Y. (2020) Robust M estimation for 3D correlated vector observations based on modified bifactor weight reduction model. Journal of Geodesy, 94: 31.
Yang L., Shen Y., Li B. (2019) M-estimation using unbiased median variance estimate. Journal of Geodesy, 93: 911–925.
Yang L., Nie Y., Shen Y. (2019) Characteristic Analysis of 3D Outlier Detection Method for GNSS Network Adjustments. Journal of Surveying Engineering. 145(4): 04019014.
Yang L., Li B., Shen Y., Rizos C. (2017) Extension of internal reliability analysis regarding to separability analysis. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 143(3):04017002.
Yang L., Li Y., Wu Y.L., Rizos C. (2014) An enhanced MEMS-INS/GNSS integrated system with fault detection and exclusion capability for land vehicle navigation in urban areas. GPS Solutions, 18(4): 593-603.
Yang L., Wang J., Knight N.L., Shen Y. (2013) Outlier separability analysis with a multiple alternative hypotheses test. Journal of Geodesy, 87(6): 591-604.