謝歡,長聘特聘教授、博士生導師,近20期六合彩結果 近20期六合彩結果 院長。主要研究方向為衛星與空間激光遙感。主持國家杰出青年科學基金、優秀青年科學基金、國家重點研發計劃課題等;入選上海市優秀學術帶頭人、上海市曙光學者、上海市育才獎等人才計劃和榮譽稱號;發表SCI期刊論文100余篇,獲國家科技進步一等獎1項(排名第2),上海市、教育部、測繪科技進步獎等省部級一、二等獎7項。獲國家級教學成果二等獎(排名第1)、上海市優秀教學成果一等獎、測繪地理信息教學成果獎等教學獎勵。
2022.07-至 今 同濟大學 近20期六合彩結果
2018.06-至 今 教育部深空探測聯合研究中心同濟大學深空探測測繪遙感與導航定位分中心,副主任
2017.10-2022.07 同濟大學 近20期六合彩結果 近20期六合彩結果 ,副院長
2016.12-至 今 同濟大學 近20期六合彩結果 近20期六合彩結果 ,教授
2013.12-2016.12 同濟大學 近20期六合彩結果 近20期六合彩結果 ,副教授
2009.06-2013.12 同濟大學 近20期六合彩結果 近20期六合彩結果 (原測量與國土信息工程系),講師
2006.03-2009.05 同濟大學 地圖制圖學與地理信息工程,博士
2007.10-2008.10 德國漢諾威大學,訪問學者、聯合培養博士
2006.12-2007.05 香港理工大學,研究助理
2003.09-2006.03 同濟大學 地圖制圖學與地理信息工程,碩士
1999.09-2003.06 同濟大學 測繪工程,學士
IEEE Senior Member 2019-至今
中國地理信息產業協會理論與方法工作委員會副主任委員 2022-至今
中國測繪學會地圖學與地理信息系統專業委員會 副主任委員 2022-至今
國際數字地球學會中國國家委員會第二屆激光雷達專業委員會委員 2018-2022
第四屆上海市優秀青年女教師聯誼會會長 2020-2025
上海市女科技工作者協會第九屆理事會副理事長 2023-至今
(1) 空間激光高精度形貌探測理論與方法,國家杰出青年科學基金項目,主持(2024-2028)
(2) 單光子體制衛星和空間激光遙感數據處理方法研究,上海市優秀學術帶頭人,主持(2023-2026)
(3) 融合激光和光學影像的小行星精細三維建模方法研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,主持(2023-2026)
(4) 面向我國小行星采樣返回任務的物理特性估計與采樣選址關鍵理論方法與仿真驗證,上海市教育委員會科研創新計劃自然科學重大項目,主持(2023-2027)
(5) 地外天體探測三維精細重建與附著著陸視覺定位理論方法與關鍵技術驗證,上海市科技創新行動計劃高新技術領域項目,主持(2022-2024)
(6) 全球地表覆蓋要素精密遙感提取和可信度評估,國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目,主持(2019-2021)
(7) 微納衛星平臺顫振高精度反演技術研究,國家重點研發計劃課題,主持(2017-2020)
(8) 衛星測高獲取的南極冰蓋高程變化到質量變化的轉換模型研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,主持(2016-2019)
(9) 基于衛星測高和遙感的水體變化分析及可視化,國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作研究與交流項目,主持(2016-2018)
(1) 謝歡, 李彬彬, 童小華, 唐鴻, 劉世杰, 金雁敏, 王超, 葉真, 陳鵬, 許雄, 柳思聰, 馮永玖. (2021). 全球星載激光測高高程控制點數據集(2003-2009). 國家青藏高原科學數據中心, DOI:10.11888/Geogra.tpdc.271727. CSTR: 18406.11.Geogra.tpdc.271727.
(2) 謝歡, 李彬彬, 童小華, 劉世杰, 洪中華, 奚源廷, 劉長達, 徐琪, 孫媛, 季旻. (2023). 高精度全球衛星激光測高高程控制點數據集(2019). 國家青藏高原科學數據中心, DOI: 10.11888/Terre.tpdc.300508. CSTR: 18406.11.Terre.tpdc.300508.
(3) 謝歡, 李彬彬, 劉世杰, 葉真, 洪中華, 孫媛, 徐琪, 童小華. (2024). 全球數字高程改正模型(IC2-GDEM):基于ICESat-2激光測高的ASTER GDEM高程改正產品. 國家青藏高原數據中心. DOI: 10.11888/RemoteSen.tpdc.301229, CSTR: 18406.11.RemoteSen.tpdc.301229.
(1) Xu Q, Xie H*, Huang P, Ji M, Wu H, Liu C, Liu S, Tong X, Li B, Luan K, Jin Y, Sun Y, Huang G, Zhang H, Chen G, (2025). An Improved On-Orbit Calibration Model for Full-Waveform Laser Altimeters Using Waveform Matching Method Integrating the Characteristics of Footprints with Single-Modal and Multi-Modal Waveforms, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3522688.
(2) Liu C, Xie H*, Xu Q, Li J, Sun Y, Ji M, Tong X, (2025). Diffuse attenuation coefficient and bathymetry retrieval in shallow water environments by integrating satellite laser altimetry with optical remote sensing, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 136:104318.
(3) Liu J, Chen L, Tang D, Xie H*, Cui X*, Li P, (2025). Using Multi-mission Satellite Altimetry to Monitor Subglacial Hydrological Activities in the Totten Basin, East Antarctica, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 18: 795-812.
(4) Li B, Xie H*, Liu S, Ye Z, Hong Z, Weng Q, Sun Y, Xu Q, Tong X, (2025). Global DEM Product Generation by Correcting ASTER GDEM Elevation with ICESat-2 Altimeter Data, Earth System Science Data, 17(1):205-220, doi: 10.5194/essd-17-205-2025.
(5) Huang R, Chen C, Wan G, Xie H*, Xie J, Feng J, Xiao H, Tong X., (2024). A Novel Graph Model Guided Global Bundle Adjustment of OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter Data for Topographic Mapping of Asteroid Bennu, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62: 5708914.
(6) Li R*, Li G, Hai G*, Xie H*, Cheng Y, Chen W, Cui X, Ding M, Gao C, Hao T, Ke C, Li C, Li J, Liu Y, Ran J, Ren J, Shen Q, Shen Y, Shi H, Wang S, Wang Z, Zhan J, Zhang B, Zhong M, Zhou C, (2024). Reconciled estimation of Antarctic ice sheet mass balance and contribution to global sea level change from 1996 to 2021, Science China Earth Sciences, 67: 3562-3578.
(7) Li B, Xie H*, Liu S, Xi Y, Liu C, Xu Y, Ye Z, Hong Z, Sun Y, Xu Q, Tong X, (2024). A high-quality global elevation control point dataset from ICESat-2 altimeter data, International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1): 2361724.
(8) Wang Y, Xie H*, Huang Q, Yan X, Liu S, Ye Z, Wang C, Xu X, Liu S, Jin Y, Tong X, (2024). Small Lunar Crater Detection from LROC NAC using Statistically Constrained Path-morphologies and Unsupervised Discriminate Correlation Filters, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62: 4601124.
(9) Sun Y, Xie H*, Wang C, Luan K, Liu S, Li B, Xu Q, Huang P, Liu C, Ji M, Tong X, (2024). Potential and performance for classifying Earth surface only with ICESat-2 altimetric data, Advances in Space Research, 74(3): 1120-1133.
(10)Ji M, Xie H*, Oberst J, Xu Q, Sun Y, Liu S, Liu C, Tong X, (2024). Deforestation detection from spaceborne full-waveform laser altimetry, incorporating terrain topography effects: a case study in Porto Velho, Brazil, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 129: 103861.
(11)Xie H*, Xu Q, Luan K, Sun Y, Liu X, Guo Y, Li B, Jin Y, Liu S, Tong X, (2024). Evaluating ICESat-2 Seafloor Photons by Underwater Light-Beam Propagation and Noise Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62: 4203018.
(12)Liu J, Liu J, Xie H*, Ye D, Li P, (2023). A Multi-Level Auto-Adaptive Noise Filtering Algorithm for Land ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Data, Remote Sensing, 15(21): 5176.
(13)Li B, Xie H*, Tong X, Tang H, Liu S, (2023). A global-scale DEM elevation correction model using ICESat-2 laser altimetry data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61: 4408715.
(14)Li B, Xie H*, Liu S, Xu Q, Sun Y, Tong X, (2023). Correction of ICESat-2 urban terrain within urban areas using a water pump deployment criterion with terrain vertical contour, Remote Sensing of Environment, 298: 113117.
(15)Gong Y, Xie H*, Liao S, Lu Y, Jin Y, Wei C, Tong X, (2023). Assessing the Accuracy of Multi-Temporal GlobeLand30 Products in China Using a Spatiotemporal Stratified Sampling Method, Remote Sensing, 15(18), 4593.
(16)Li B, Xie H*, Tong X, Liu S, Xu Q, Sun Y, (2023). Extracting accurate terrain in vegetated area from ICESat-2 data, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 117: 103200.
(17)Wang Y, Yan X, Ye Z, Xie H*, Liu S, Xu X, Tong X, (2023). Robust template feature matching method using motion-constrained DCF designed for visual navigation in asteroid landing, Astrodynamics, 7(1): 83-99.
(18)Peng K, Xie H*, Xu Q, Huang P, Liu Z, (2022). Physics-assisted Convolutional Neural Network for Bathymetric Mapping Using ICESat-2 and Sentinel-2, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4210513.
(19)Xie H, Liu X, Xu Y, Ye Z, Liu S, Li X, Li B, Xu Q, Guo Y, Tong X*, (2022). Using laser altimetry to fine map the permanently shadowed regions of the Lunar South Pole using an iteratively self-constrained adjustment strategy, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 9796-9808.
(20)Guo Y, Tong X, Xu X, Liu S, Feng Y, Xie H*, (2022). Anchor-Free Network with Density Map and Attention Mechanism for Multiscale Object Detection in Aerial Images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 6516705.
(21)Gong Y, Xie H*, Jin Y, Tong X, (2022). Assessing multi-temporal global urban land-cover products using spatio-temporal stratified sampling, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(8), 451.
(22)Xie H*, Sun Y, Xu Q, Li B, Guo Y, Liu X, Huang P, Tong X, (2022). Converting along-track photons into a point-region quadtree to assist with ICESat-2-based canopy cover and ground photon detection, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, 112, 102872.
(23)Xie H*, Ye D, Xu Q, Jin Y, Tong X, Hao X, Liu S, (2022). A Density-based Adaptive Ground and Canopy Detecting Method for ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Data, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4411813.
(24)Li B, Xie H*, Tong X, Tang H, Liu S, Jin Y, Wang C, Ye Z, (2022). High-accuracy laser altimetry global elevation control point data set for satellite topographic mapping, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4411416.
(25)Hai G, Cheng Y, Xie H*, Li R, Hao T, Qiao G, Li R, (2022). Assessment of CryoSat-2 Baseline-D Elevation Product by GNSS and ICESat-2 in East Antarctica, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15: 2891-2899.
(26)Liu J, Xie H*, Guo Y, Tong X, Li P, (2022). A Sea-Ice Concentration Estimation Methodology Utilizing ICESat-2 Photon-counting Laser Altimeter in the Arctic, Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1130.
(27)Wang Y, Xie H*, Huang Q, Feng Y, Yan X, Tong X*, Liu S, Liu S, Xu X, Wang C, Jin Y, (2022). A Novel Approach for Multi-Scale Lunar Crater Detection by the Use of Path-Profile and Isolation Forest Based on High-Resolution Planetary Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4601424.
(28)Xie H*, Tang H, Jin Y, Li B, Zhang J, Liu S, Tong X, (2022). An Improved Surface Slope Estimation Model Using Space-borne Laser Altimetric Waveform Data Over Antarctica Ice Sheet, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19, 2000705.
(29)Li B, Xie H*, Tong X, Liu S, Tang H, Wang X, (2021). A Method of Extracting High-accuracy Elevation Control Points from ICESat-2 Altimetry Data, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 87(11): 821-830.
(30)Liu X, Guo Y, Xie H*, Tang H, Li B, Wang X, Liu S, Tong X, (2021), Fast machine learning based extraction of the peak number from ICESat full-waveform data, Remote Sensing Letters, 12(10): 1004-1014.
(31)Li R*, Lv D, Xie H*, Xu Y, Tian Y, Lu S, Tong X, Weng H, (2021). A Comprehensive Assessment and Analysis of Antarctic Satellite Grounding Line Products from 1992 to 2009, Science China: Earth Sciences, 64(8): 1332-1345.
(32)Xie H*, Li B, Tong X, Zhang X, He T, Dai J, Huang G, Zhang J, Liu S, (2021). A Planimetric Geolocation Method for the Laser Footprints of the Chinese Gaofen-7 Satellite Using Image Matching and Laser Spot Center Detection, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(11): 9758-9771.
(33)Xie H*, Sun Y, Liu X, Xu Q, Guo Y, Liu S, Xu X, Liu S, Tong X, (2021). Shore Zone Classification from ICESat-2 Data over Saint Lawrence Island, Marine Geodesy, 44(5): 454-466.
(34)Xie H*, Xu Q, Ye D, Jia J, Sun Y, Huang P, Li M, Liu S, Xie F, Hao X, Tong X, (2021). A Comparison and Review of Surface Detection Methods Using MBL, MABEL, and ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Laser Altimetry Data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 7604-7623.
(35)Li B, Xie H*, Tong X, Zhang Z, Liu S, (2021). Extracting Satellite Laser Altimetry Footprints for Expected Accuracy with Random Forest, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 18(8), 1347-1351.
(36)Hai G, Xie H*, Du W, Xia M, Tong X, Li R, (2021). Characterizing slope correction methods applied to satellite radar altimetry data: a case study around Dome Argus in East Antarctica, Advances in Space Research, 67(7), 2120-2139.
(37)王亞瓊,謝歡,晏雄鋒,王一凡,陳杰,童小華,(2024).基于特征跟蹤輔助的小行星著陸先驗位姿糾正,深空探測學報,11(03): 274-285.
(38)謝歡,陳杰,童小華,晏雄峰,王亞瓊,王一凡,曾祥隧,馮炯,倪鴻基,(2023). 小行星采樣返回任務的選址方法進展與啟發,同濟大學學報(自然科學版),51(7): 1010-1017, 1032.
(39)謝歡,黃佩琪,徐琪,葉丹,孫媛,欒奎峰,劉世杰,童小華,(2023). ICESat-2衛星激光測高數據背景及信號光子特性分析及濾波處理研究進展,光學精密工程,31(5): 631-643.