Email:[email protected]
2009.1 – 2009.3 新加坡南洋理工大學 專業:地理信息系統(博士交流)
2006.3 – 2009.3 同濟大學 博士,專業:地圖制圖學與地理信息工程
2002.9 – 2005.3 同濟大學 碩士,專業:土地資源管理
1998.9 – 2002.7 同濟大學 本科,專業:測繪工程
2015.11 – 2016.11 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學 訪問學者
2017.10 – 2020.10 澳大利亞昆士蘭大學 榮譽副教授
全國教育系統先進集體, 主要成員(2019)
入選首批教育部全國高校黨支部書記雙帶頭人(2018,首批全國遴選100 名)
Yongjiu Feng, Shurui Chen, Xiaohua Tong*, Chao Wang, Pengshuo Li, Mengrong Xi, Changjiang Xiao. (2023). Exploring the Lunar Regolith's Thickness and Dielectric Properties Using Band-Limited Impedance at Chang’E-4 Landing Site.Joural of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128(3): e2022JE007540. (SCI,AGU旗艦期刊)
Yongjiu Feng, Yuze Cao, Xiaohua Tong*, Peiqi Wu, Shurui Chen, Pengshuo Li, Rong Wang. (2023). High-accuracy lunar global brightness-temperature mapping using third-order Fourier fitting and co-kriging interpolation. Icarus, 115646.(SCI, 深空領域著名期刊)
Yongjiu Feng, Xiaohua Tong*. (2020). A new cellular automata framework of urban growth modeling by incorporating statistical and heuristic methods. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(1), 74-97. (SCI, 地理信息系統國際權威期刊)
Xiaohua Tong*, Yongjiu Feng*. (2020). A review of assessment methods for cellular automata models of land-use change and urban growth. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(5), 866-898. (SCI, 地理信息系統國際最權威期刊)
Chen Gao, Yongjiu Feng*, Mengrong Xi, Rong Wang, Pengshuo Li, Xiaoyan Tang, & Xiaohua Tong. (2023). An improved assessment method for urban growth simulations across models, regions, and time. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 37(11), 2345-2366. (SCI, 地理信息系統國際最權威期刊)
Yongjiu Feng, Liu Y. (2013). A heuristic cellular automata approach for modelling urban land-use change based on simulated annealing. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27(3): 449–466. (SCI,地理信息系統國際權威期刊)
Yongjiu Feng*. (2017). Modelling dynamic urban land use change with geographical cellular automata and generalized pattern search optimized rules. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 31(6): 1198-1219. (SCI, 地理信息系統國際權威期刊)
Yongjiu Feng, Chen Gao, Rong Wang, Mengrong Xi, Pengshuo Li, Yanmin Jin, Xiaohua Tong*. (2022). A moving window-based spatial assessment method of dynamic urban growth simulations. Geocarto International, 37(27): 15282-15301.(SCI).
Zhenkun Lei,Yongjiu Feng*,Mengrong Xi,Xiaohua Tong, Jiafeng Wang,Huan Xie,Xiong Xu,Chao Wang,Yanmin Jin.(2024). High-precision geometric calibration model for spaceborne SAR using geometrically constrained GCPs.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3345021.
Yongjiu Feng, Zhenkun Lei, Xiaohua Tong*, Pengshuo Li, Mengrong Xi. (2022). An improved geometric calibration model for spaceborne SAR systems with a case study of large-scale Gaofen-3 images. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3198414 (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Jiafeng Wang, Rong Wang, Xiaohua Tong*, Shurui Chen, Zhenkun Lei, Pengshuo Li, Mengrong Xi.(2022). Evaluation of typhoon-induced inundation losses associated with LULC using multi-temporal SAR and optical images. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2227-225,(SCI, IF=3.528)
Pengshuo Li, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong, Shuting Zhai, Yan Tang, Weijia Liu. (2022). Spatial planning-constrained modeling of urban development in the Yangtze River Delta considering the internal information flow. GIScience & Remote Sensing, (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Yilun Zhou, Yanling Chen, Pengshuo Li, Mengrong Xi, Xiaohua Tong*. (2021). Automatic GCP selection for refinement and reflattening in InSAR DEM generation. International Journal of Digital Earth, //doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2022.2070678, (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Peiqi Wu, Xiaohua Tong, Rong Wang, Yilun Zhou, Pengshuo Li, Jiafeng Wang, Jinyu Zhao. (2021). The effects of factor generalization scales on the reproduction of dynamic urban growth. Geo-spatial Information Science, (SCI)
Qingmei Li, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong, Yilun Zhou, Peiqi Wu, Huan Xie, Yanming Jin*, Peng Chen, Shijie Liu, Xiong Xv, Sicong Liu, Chao Wang. (2021). Firefly algorithm-based cellular automata for reproducing urban growth and predicting future scenarios. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76, 103444, (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong. (2018). Dynamic land use change simulation using cellular automata with spatially nonstationary transition rules. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 55(5), 678-698. (SCI)
Shurui Chen, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong*, Rong Wang, Shuting Zhai, Chen Gao, Zhenkun Lei. (2020). A cellular automata approach of urban sprawl simulation with Bayesian spatially-varying transformation rules. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 57(7): 924-942. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Xiaohua Tong*. (2019). Incorporation of spatial heterogeneity-weighted neighborhoods into cellular automata for dynamic urban growth simulation. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 56(7), 1024-1045. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Shurui Chen, Xiaohua Tong*, Zhenkun Lei, Chen Gao, Jiafeng Wang. (2020). Modeling changes in China’s 2000-2030 carbon stock caused by land use change. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 119659 (SCI)
Chen Gao, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong*, Yanmin Jin, Song Liu, Peiqi Wu, Zhen Ye, Cairong Gu. (2020). Modeling urban encroachment on ecological land using cellular automata and cross-entropy optimization rules. Science of the Total Environment, 140996 (SCI)
Shurui Chen, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong*, Song Liu, Huan Xie, Chen Gao, Zhenkun Lei. (2020). Modeling ESV loss caused by land use change using cellular automata and geographically weighted regression. Science of the Total Environment, 712, 136509 (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Qianqian Yang, Xiaohua Tong*, Lijuan Chen. (2018). Evaluating ecological security and examining its relationships with driving factors using GIS and generalized additive model. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 1469–1479. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Rong Wang, Xiaohua Tong, Shuting Zhai*. (2020). Comparison of change and static state as the dependent variable for modeling urban growth. Geocarto International, 10.1080/10106049.2021.1959657 (SCI)
Xinlei Yan, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong, Peiqi Wu, Yilun Zhou, Pengshuo Li, Huan Xie, Yanming Jin, Peng Chen, Shijie Liu, Xiong Xv, Sicong Liu, Chao Wang. (2021). Reducing spatial autocorrelation in the dynamic simulation of urban growth using eigenvector spatial filtering. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 102, 102434 (SCI)
Siqin Wang, Yan Liu*, Yongjiu Feng*, Zhenkun Lei. (2021) Urban growth and human settlement in coastal regions with an adaption to sea level rise. International Journal of Digital Earth, 10.1080/17538947.2021.1946178 (SCI)
Rong Wang, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong, Jiajun Zhao, Shuting Zhai. (2021) Impacts of spatial scale on the delineation of spatiotemporal urban expansion. Ecological Indicators, 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107896 (SCI, IF=4.958)
Jiafeng Wang, Yongjiu Feng*, Zhen Ye*, Xiaohua Tong, Rong Wang, Chen Gao, Shurui Chen, Zhenkun Lei, Song Liu. (2020). Simulating the effect of urban light rail transit on urban growth by coupling cellular automata and conjugate gradients. Geocarto International, DOI:10.1080/10106049.2020.1726508 (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Zhenkun Lei, Xiaohua Tong*, Chen Gao, Shurui Chen, Jiafeng Wang, Siqin Wang. (2020). Spatially-explicit modeling and intensity analysis of China's land use change 2000-2050. Journal of Environmental Management, 263(1): 110407 (SCI)
Zhenkun Lei, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong*, Song Liu, Chen Gao, Shurui Chen. (2020). A spatial error-based cellular automata approach to reproducing and projecting dynamic urban expansion. Geocarto International, //doi.org/10.1080/10106049.2020.1726508 (SCI)
Chen Gao, Yongjiu Feng*, Xiaohua Tong*, Zhenkun Lei, Shurui Chen, Shuting Zhai. (2020). Modeling urban growth using spatially heterogeneous cellular automata models: Comparison of spatial lag, spatial error and GWR. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 81, 101459 (SSCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Rong Wang, Xiaohua Tong*, Hossein Shafizadeh-Moghadam. (2019). How much can temporally stationary factors explain cellular automata-based simulations of past and future urban growth? Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 76, 150-162. (SSCI)
Xiaohua Tong*, Yongjiu Feng. (2019). How current and future urban patterns respond to urban planning? An integrated cellular automata modeling approach. Cities, 92, 247-260. (SSCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Heping Li, Xiaohua Tong*, Lijuan Chen, Yang Liu. (2018). Projection of land surface temperature considering the effects of future land change in the Taihu Lake Basin of China. Global and Planetary Change, 167, 24-34. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Yan Liu, Xiaohua Tong*. (2018). Comparison of metaheuristic cellular automata models: A case study of dynamic land use simulation in the Yangtze River Delta. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 70, 138-150. (SSCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Yang Liu, Xiaohua Tong*. (2018). Spatiotemporal variation of landscape patterns and their spatial determinants in Shanghai, China. Ecological Indicators, 87, 22–32. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng*, Yang, Q., Hong, Z., Cui, L. (2018). Modelling coastal land use change by incorporating spatial autocorrelation into cellular automata model. Geocarto International, 33(5): 470-488. (SCI9)
Yongjiu Feng, Liu Yan, Liu Yu. (2017). Spatially explicit assessment of land ecological security with spatial variables and logistic regression modeling in Shanghai, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(9), 2235–2249. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Liu Y., Batty M. (2016). Modeling urban growth with GIS based cellular automata and least squares SVM rules: a case study in Qingpu–Songjiang area of Shanghai, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30(5), 1387-1400. (SCI9)
Yongjiu Feng, Liu Y. (2015). Fractal dimension as an indicator for quantifying the effects of changing spatial scales on landscape metrics. Ecological Indicators, 53, 18-27. (SCI)
Yongjiu Feng, Liu Y., Tong X., Liu M., Deng S. (2011). Modeling dynamic urban growth using cellular automata and particle swarm optimization rules. Landscape and Urban Planning, 102(3): 188–196. (SCI)
本人在國際SCI期刊Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050,IF=3.889)組織專輯
Urban Expansion and Its Effect on Soil Sustainability