2014-今 |
同濟大學 |
教授 |
2010-2011 |
Texas Univ. at Dallas |
訪問學者 |
2009-2014 |
同濟大學 |
副教授 |
2005-2009 |
同濟大學 |
講師 |
1999-2005 |
武漢大學 |
講師 |
1994-1999 |
武漢測繪科技大學 |
助教 |
1999–2003 |
武漢大學 |
博士研究生,專業:大地測量學與測量工程 |
1996–1999 |
武漢測繪科技大學 |
碩士研究生,專業:大地測量學與測量工程 |
1990–1994 |
武漢測繪科技大學 |
本科生,專業:工程測量 |
2016 |
國家科技進步一等獎 |
航天重大工程的遙感空間信息可信度理論與關鍵技術(12) |
2016 |
上海市科技進步一等獎 |
地理空間數據可信度理論與關鍵技術及應用(5) |
2011 |
全國高等學校測繪學科青年教師講課競賽三等獎 |
2007 |
上海市優秀青年教師 |
研究方向 測量數據處理方法與應用
附加不等式約束的總體最小二乘平差理論與應用,國家自然科學基金面上項目( 41174003), 2012-2015
J Han, S Zhang, S Zheng, M Wang*, H Ding, Q Yan. Bias Analysis and Correction for Ill-Posed Inversion Problem with Sparsity Regularization Based on L1 Norm for Azimuth Super-Resolution of Radar Forward-Looking Imaging. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14(22): 5792.
W He, S Zhang, H Meng, J Han, G Zhou, H Song, S Zhou, H Zheng*. Full-Coverage PM2.5 Mapping and Variation Assessment during the Three-Year Blue-Sky Action Plan Based on a Daily Adaptive Modeling Approach. Remote Sens. 2022, 14: 3571.
J Han, S Zhang*, Z Ye. A Non-Blind Deconvolution Method by Bias-correction for Inaccurate Blur Kernel Estimation in Image Deblurring. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023, 61: 5604814.
J Han, S Zhang*, N Fan, Z Ye. Local Patch-wise Minimal and Maximal Values Prior for Single Optical Remote Sensing Image Dehazing. Information Science, 2022, (606): 173-193.
T Zhou, P Lin, S Zhang, J Zhang, J Fang. A novel sequential solution for multi-period observations based on the Gauss-Helmert model. Measurement, 2022, (195)31: 111166.
W He, H Meng, J Han, G Zhou, H Zheng*, S Zhang*. Spatiotemporal PM2.5 estimations in China from 2015 to 2020 using an improved gradient boosting decision tree. Chemosphere, 2022, (296): 134003.
J Han, S Zhang*, J Li. “Closure to ‘New First-Order Approximate Precision Estimation Method for Parameters in an Error-In-Variables Model’ DOI:4 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000335”, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2022, 148(2): 07021002 .
H Wu, H Yue, J Han*, S Zhang. Indoor Map Boundary Correction Based on Normalized Total Least Squares of Condition Equation. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021, 147(4): 04021015.
J Han, S Zhang*, J Li. New First-Order Approximate Precision Estimation Method for Parameters in an Errors-in-Variables Model.” Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2021, 147(1): 04020023–1–12.
K Zhang, S Zhang*. Accessibility analysis of protestant churches in Shanghai, China. GeoJournal , 2021, 86(2): 679–688.
S Zhang, K Zhang*, J Li, J Han. Quality evaluation of linear inequality constrained estimation by Monte Carlo sampling in parameter space, Survey Review, 2021, 53(378): 216-222.
J Han, S Zhang*,Y Li, X Zhang. A General Partial Errors-In-Variables Model and a Corresponding Weighted Total Least-Squares Algorithm, Survey review, 2020, 52(371): 126-133.
Y Jin, X Tong, L Li, S Zhang, S Liu. Partial total-least-squares adjustment of condition equations with application to a rectangular building adjustment in a GIS, Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2018, 144(1): 04017021.
K Zhang, X Chen*, S Zhang, B Wilson-Gray. Towards a Healthy Ride: Locating Public Toilets in the Shanghai Metro System. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2018, 11 (2): 381-395.
S Zhang,K Zhang*, J Han, X Tong. Total least norm solution for linear structured EIV model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 304: 58-64.
K Zhang, Z Huang, S Zhang*. Using an optimization algorithm to establish a network of video surveillance for the protection of Golden Camellia. Ecological Informatics, 2017, 42: 32-37.
S Zhang,K Zhang, P Liu. Total least-squares estimation for 2d affine coordinate transformation with constraints on physical parameters. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2016, 142 (3): 04016009.
X Tong, Y Jin, S Zhang, L Li, S Liu. Bias-corrected weighted total least-squares adjustment of condition equations. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2015, 141(2): 04014013.
Y Jin, X Tong*, L Li, S Zhang, S Liu. Total least L1- and L2-norm estimations of a coordinate transformation model with a structured parameter matrix. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 2015, (59): 345-365.
S Zhang,K Zhang. On a basic multivariate EIV model with linear equality constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 236: 247-252.
S Zhang, X Tong, K Zhang. A Solution to EIV model with inequality constraints and its geodetic applications. Journal of Geodesy, 2013, 87: 23-28.
G Zhou, S Zhang*. An M Estimation Based on Outliers Separation. 2022, 4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Control, Measurement and Signal Processing.
N. Fan, S. Zhang*, Y. Li and J. Han. A Denoising Method of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Based on Wavelet Transform. 2021, 28th International Conference on Geoinformatics.
J Han, S Zhang, Z Ye. The effect of deblurring on motion blurred remote sensing image registration. 2021, 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
J Han, Z Ye, S Zhang*. The Effect of Deblurring on matching of motion blurred remote sensing images. 2021, 41th Annual IGARSS symposium.
J Han, S Zhang*, Z Ye. Combined Patch-Wise Minimal-Maximal Pixels Regularization for Deblurring. 2020, 26th ISPRS Congress.
J Han, S Zhang*, Y Li, Z Dong, X Zhang. An Improved Weighted Total Least-Squares for Condition Equation and Corresponding Bias-Corrected Method. 2018, GeoInformatics 2018.