We are very sincere to invite you to take part in the 10th Symposium on Location Based Service (LBS 2013) in Nov 21th-22th, 2013, Shanghai, China. LBS 2013 provides an opportunity for prominent researchers, engineers and practitioners to present the latest research results, innovations, and potential future directions in Advanced Location Based Services and Geo-Information Technology Processing.
CONFERENCE INFORMATION Symposium of Location Based Service is an international series symposium, which is firstly called by International Cartographic Association (ICA). LBS 2013 will be the 10th symposium, at which the excellent tradition of gathering world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of location based service will be continued. The symposium is held every year; the previous symposiums took place in Munich, Germany (2012), Vienna, Australia (2011), Guangzhou, China (2010), Nottingham, England (2009), Salzburg, Austria (2008) and Hong Kong, China (2007) Vienna, Austria (2005), Vienna, Austria (2004), Vienna, Austria (2002). LBS 2013 will be held in Shanghai and organized by Tongji University, Shanghai, China. LBS 2013 is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China. This year’s symposium aims to provide a high-level international symposium for researchers and engineers to present and discuss recent advances, new techniques and applications in the themes of LBS such as:
Smart mobile phone navigation and LBS techniques Three-dimensional visualization in the LBS context Spatio-temporal data acquisition, processing Data mining and knowledge discovery Personalization and context-aware adaptation Visualization techniques of LBS Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques GNSS and Ubiquitous Positioning Legal and business aspects in LBS
IMPORTANT DATES Conference Date: Nov 21th-22th, 2013 Full paper-submission Deadline: Aug.30, 2013 (Postponed by request) Full paper acceptance Announcement: Sep.30, 2013 Registration Deadline: Oct.20, 2013 Program: Oct.30, 2013
PAPER SUBMISSIONS You are encouraged to submit your paper to LBS 2013 according to the Submission Guidelines available at: //www.lbs2013.org/PaperSubmission.html All the full papers will be collected in the digital proceeding of LBS 2013, while some selected peer-reviewed paper will be published in the book of the Springer’s Lecture Notes in Augmented reality in an LBS context Innovative LBS systems and applications Way-finding/Navigation (indoor/outdoor) Indoor Navigation Databases User studies and evaluations Privacy issues in LBS Open source solutions and standards Positioning / Indoor Positioning Smart environments and spatial intelligence
Geo-information and Cartography or Journal of Location Based Services or Journal of Global Positioning Systems.
Please register with the EasyChair management system and use this system to submit your contribution: //www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lbs2013
CURRENT SPONSORS Tongji University Technische Universit?t Wien Technische Universit?t München International Cartographic Association International Association of Geodesy ESRI China
CONTACT INFORMATION: WEB-SITE: //www.lbs2013.org E-MAIL: [email protected] or [email protected]
Organizing Committee of LBS 2013 2013/3/19 Sino-UK Geospatial Engineering Centre GNSS & LBS Association of China The University of Nottingham Wuhan University