序號 |
論文名稱 |
作者 |
刊物名稱 |
年、卷、期或章、節 |
成果類型 |
論文分類 |
1 |
Indoor navigation supported by the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC): A survey |
李博峰(通訊) |
Automation in Construction |
2021,121:1-20 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
2 |
Automatic structural mapping and semantic optimization from indoor point clouds |
吳杭彬 |
Automation in Construction |
2021,124(2):103460 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
3 |
Assessment of ICESat-2 ice surface elevations over the Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) route, East Antarctica, based on coordinated multi-sensor observations |
李榮興 |
The Cryosphere |
2021,15(7):3083-3099 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
4 |
Imminent calving accelerated by increased instability of the Brunt Ice Shelf, in response to climate warming |
喬剛(通訊) |
Earth and Planetary Science Letters |
2021,572 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
5 |
Experimental Link Quality Analysis for LoRa-Based Wireless Underground Sensor Networks |
郝彤(通訊) |
IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
2021,8(8):6565-6577 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
6 |
Spatial-Spectral Radial Basis Function-Based Interpolation for Landsat ETM SLC-Off Image Gap Filling |
王群明 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
2021,59(9):7901-7917 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
7 |
A Planimetric Location Method for Laser Footprints of the Chinese Gaofen-7 Satellite Using Laser Spot Center Detection and Image Matching to Stereo Image Product |
謝歡 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing |
2021,59(11): 9758-9771 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
8 |
Multi-Floor Indoor Localization Based on RBF Network With Initialization, Calibration, and Update |
楊玲 |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
2021,20(12): 7977-7991 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
9 |
Reducing spatial autocorrelation in the dynamic simulation of urban growth using eigenvector spatial filtering |
馮永玖(通訊) |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,102:102434 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
10 |
Monitoring surface deformation of permafrost in Wudaoliang Region, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with ENVISAT ASAR data |
李榮興 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,104:102527 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
11 |
Long-term remote sensing monitoring on LUCC around Chaohu Lake with new information of algal bloom and flood submerging |
林怡 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,102:102413 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
12 |
Calving cycle of Ninnis Glacier over the last 60 years |
喬剛(通訊) |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,105:102612 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
13 |
Filling gaps in Landsat ETM plus SLC-off images with Sentinel-2 MSI images |
王群明 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,101:102365 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
14 |
LV-GCNN: A lossless voxelization integrated graph convolutional neural network for surface reconstruction from point clouds |
吳杭彬 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,103:102504 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
15 |
An optimized machine learning approach to water pollution variation monitoring with time-series Landsat images |
林怡 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation |
2021,102:102370 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
16 |
A cross-correction LiDAR SLAM method for high-accuracy 2D mapping of problematic scenario |
劉春(通訊) |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
2021,171:367-384 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
17 |
Integrating spatio-temporal-spectral information for downscaling Sentinel-3 OLCI images |
王群明(通訊) |
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
2021,180:130-150 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
18 |
The hypothesis testing statistics in linear ill-posed models |
李博峰 |
Journal of Geodesy |
2021,95:11 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
19 |
Simplified algebraic estimation for the quality control of DIA estimator |
楊玲 |
Journal of Geodesy |
2021,95:14 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
20 |
Bridging the gap between grace and grace follow-on monthly gravity field solutions using improved multichannel singular spectrum analysis |
沈云中(通訊) |
Journal of Hydrology |
2021,594:125972 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
21 |
Co-seismic landslide mapping using Sentinel-2 10-m fused NIR narrow, red-edge, and SWIR bands |
陸平 |
Landslides |
2021,18:2017-2037 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
22 |
Blocks-removed spatial unmixing for downscaling MODIS images |
王群明 |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
2021,256:112325 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
23 |
Spatio-temporal spectral unmixing of time-series images |
王群明 |
Remote Sensing of Environment |
2021,259:112407 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
24 |
Filling gaps in Landsat ETM+ SLC-off images with Sentinel-2 MSI images |
王群明 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation |
2021,101:102365 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
25 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of urban green space influenced by rapid urbanization and land use policies in Shanghai |
馮永玖(通訊) |
Forests |
2021,12(476): 476 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
26 |
Extracting Satellite Laser Altimetry Footprints with the Required Accuracy by Random Forest |
謝歡(通訊) |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
2021,18(8):1347-1351 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
27 |
Impacts of Systematic Errors on Topographic Parameter Estimation in Multitemporal InSAR: A Quantitative Description |
張磊(通訊) |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters |
2021,18(2):306-310 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
28 |
Link Quality Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks for Underground Infrastructure Monitoring: A Non-Backfilled Scenario |
郝彤(通訊) |
IEEE Sensors Journal |
2021,21(5):7006-7014 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
29 |
High-Resolution GRACE Monthly Spherical Harmonic Solutions |
陳秋杰 |
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth |
2021,126(1):2169-9313 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
30 |
Geometric modeling of attitude jitter for three-line-array imaging satellites |
劉世杰 |
Optics Express |
2021,29(13): 20952-20969 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
31 |
Geophysical signal detection in the earth’s oblateness variation and its climate-driven source analysis |
陳秋杰(通訊) |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(10):2004 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
32 |
Spectral and Spatial Feature Integrated Ensemble Learning Method for Grading Urban River Network Water Quality |
劉春(通訊) |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(22):4591 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
33 |
Combined geometric positioning and performance analysis of multiresolution optical imageries from satellite and aerial platforms based on weighted RFM bundle adjustment |
劉世杰(通訊) |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(4):1-24 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
34 |
Two severe prolonged hydrological droughts analysis over mainland australia using grace satellite data |
沈云中(通訊) |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(8):1432 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
35 |
Business circle identification and spatiotemporal characteristics in the main urban area of Yiwu city based on poi and night-time light data |
石憶邵(通訊) |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(24):5153 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
36 |
Analysis of Crustal Movement and Deformation in Mainland China Based on CMONOC Baseline Time Series |
伍吉倉 |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(13):2481 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
37 |
Global assessment of the GNSS single point positioning biases produced by the residual tropospheric delay |
楊玲 |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(6):1202 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
38 |
Automatic road marking extraction and vectorization from vehicle-borne laser scanning data |
姚連璧 |
Remote Sensing |
2021,13(13):2612 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
39 |
A comprehensive assessment and analysis of Antarctic satellite grounding line products from 1992 to 2009 |
李榮興 |
Science China Earth Sciences |
2021,64(8):1332-1345 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
40 |
Independent component extraction from the incomplete coordinate time series of regional gnss networks |
沈云中(通訊) |
Sensors |
2021,21(5):1-16 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
41 |
Prediction models of GNSS satellite clock errors: Evaluation and application in PPP |
葛海波 |
Advances in Space Research |
2021,68(6):2470-2487 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
42 |
Characterizing slope correction methods applied to satellite radar altimetry data: A case study around Dome Argus in East Antarctica |
謝歡(通訊) |
Advances in Space Research |
2021,67(7):2120-2139 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
43 |
Characteristic analysis of the GNSS satellite clock |
葉真 |
Advances in Space Research |
2021,68(8):3314-3326 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
44 |
Separation of geophysical signals in the LAGEOS geocentre motion based on singular spectrum analysis |
沈云中(通訊) |
Geophysical Journal International |
2021,225(3):1755-1770 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
45 |
Weighted multichannel singular spectrum analysis for post-processing GRACE monthly gravity field models by considering the formal errors |
沈云中 |
Geophysical Journal International |
2021,226(3):1997-2010 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
46 |
Mapping Surface Deformation over Tatun Volcano Group, Northern Taiwan Using Multitemporal InSAR |
梁鴻俞 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:2087-2095 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
47 |
A Comparative Study of DEM Reconstruction Using the Single-Baseline and Multibaseline InSAR Techniques |
劉世杰 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:8512-8521 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
48 |
A Novel Multitemporal Deep Fusion Network (MDFN) for Short-Term Multitemporal HR Images Classification |
柳思聰(通訊) |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:10691-10704 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
49 |
A Novel Feature Fusion Approach for VHR Remote Sensing Image Classification |
柳思聰 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:464-473 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
50 |
Intelligent perception of coseismic landslide migration areas along sichuan-tibet railway |
陸平(通訊) |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:8876-8883 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
51 |
A Comparison and Review of Surface Detection Methods Using MBL, MABEL, and ICESat-2 Photon-Counting Laser Altimetry Data |
謝歡 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing |
2021,14:7604-7623 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
52 |
Indoor Map Boundary Correction Based on Normalized Total Least Squares of Condition Equation |
吳杭彬 |
Journal of Surveying Engineering |
2021,147(4):1-15 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
53 |
New First-Order Approximate Precision Estimation Method for Parameters in an Errors-in-Variables Model |
張松林(通訊) |
Journal of Surveying Engineering |
2021,147(1):0733-9453 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
54 |
Shore Zone Classification from ICESat-2 Data over Saint Lawrence Island |
謝歡 |
Marine Geodesy |
2021,44(5):454-466 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
55 |
Multi-view feature learning for VHR remote sensing image classification |
謝歡(通訊) |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
2021,80(15):23009-23021 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
56 |
A Method of Extracting High-Accuracy Elevation Control Points from ICESat-2 Altimetry Data |
謝歡(通訊) |
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing |
2021,87(11):821-830 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
57 |
Fast machine learning-based extraction of the peak number from ICESat full-waveform data |
謝歡(通訊) |
Remote Sensing Letters |
2021,12(10):1004-1014 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
58 |
Reduced misclosure of global sea-level budget with updated Tongji-Grace2018 solution |
沈云中(通訊) |
Scientific Reports |
2021,11(1):1-11 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
59 |
Robust recognition of Chinese text from cellphone-acquired low-quality identity card images using convolutional recurrent neural network |
王建梅 |
Sensors and Materials |
2021,33(4):1187-1198 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
60 |
Quality evaluation of linear inequality constrained estimation by Monte Carlo sampling in parameter space |
張松林 |
Survey Review |
2021,53(378):216-222 |
SCI期刊 |
國外 |
61 |
The association between spatial attributes and neighborhood characteristics based on Meituan take-out data: Evidence from shanghai business circles |
石憶邵 |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services |
2021,58(4):102302 |
SSCI期刊 |
國外 |
62 |
Characteristics of hospitalized patients with depression and their relationship with the surrounding environment: A study in a class 3A hospital in Shanghai |
石憶邵(通訊) |
Current Psychology |
2021 |
SSCI期刊 |
國外 |
63 |
Corrigendum to “Bridging the gap between grace and grace follow-on monthly gravity field solutions using improved multichannel singular spectrum analysis” |
沈云中(通訊) |
Journal of Hydrology |
2021,598:126319 |
EI期刊 |
國外 |
64 |
改進RangeNet++損失函數的車載點云小目標語義分割方法 |
葉勤(通訊) |
計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報 |
2021,33(5):704-711 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
65 |
附加IRI模型約束的全球電離層建模及定位精度分析 |
楊玲 |
同濟大學學報(自然科學版) |
2021,49(11):1606-1613 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
66 |
基于高分辨率合成孔徑雷達影像的角反射器絕對定位 |
伍吉倉(通訊) |
同濟大學學報(自然科學版) |
2021,49(8):1202-1210 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
67 |
單雙頻GPS混合觀測高精度單頻精密單點定位 |
王解先(通訊) |
同濟大學學報(自然科學版) |
2021,49(5):731-736 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
68 |
利用衛星分布概率對BDS-3性能的評估 |
王解先(通訊) |
武漢大學學報(信息科學版) |
2021,46(6):938-946 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
69 |
基于局部無縫Delaunay三角網反距離加權法構建中國大陸速度場 |
王解先(通訊) |
武漢大學學報(信息科學版) |
2021,46(7):1071-1080 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
70 |
語素關聯約束的動態環境視覺定位優化 |
劉春(通訊) |
測繪學報 |
2021,50(11):1478-1486 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
71 |
隨機模型在GPS衛星鐘差估計中的應用 |
李浩軍 |
同濟大學學報(自然科學版) |
2021,49(4):554-560 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
72 |
地球系統多尺度關鍵區域與關鍵過程的智能化測繪 |
郝彤 |
測繪學報 |
2021,50(8):1084-1095 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
73 |
結合行駛場景語義的軌跡-路網實時匹配方法 |
吳杭彬(通訊) |
測繪學報 |
2021,50(11):1617-1627 |
EI期刊 |
國內 |
74 |
The application of high-speed videogrammetric technique in underwater 3D displacement measurement scenario |
陳鵬 |
2021 The 11th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2021) |
2021,pp.58-63 |
EI會議 |
國內 |
75 |
Comparison of multi-images deep learning super resolution for passive microwave images of arctic sea ICE |
馮甜甜(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science-ISPRS Archives |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 497–502 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
76 |
An automatic extraction method for antarctic subglacial lake based on radio echo sounding data |
馮甜甜(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Science-ISPRS Archives |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 521–526 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
77 |
Adaptive selection of transmission configuration for LoRa-based wireless underground sensor networks |
郝彤(通訊) |
2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) |
2021,pp.1-6 |
EI會議 |
國內 |
78 |
Frequency 3D slice image visualization for GPR applications |
郝彤(通訊) |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science |
2021,doi:10.1088/1755-1315/660/1/012019 |
EI會議 |
國內 |
79 |
Initial Assessment of BeiDou-3 B1I/B1C/B2a Triple-Frequency Signals with Android Smartphones |
李博峰(通訊) |
China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC 2021) Proceedings |
2021,772:320–332 |
EI會議 |
國內 |
80 |
Field validation of ICESAT-2 data along chinare route in east antarctica |
李榮興(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 443-448 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
81 |
ICE flow velocity mapping in east antarctica using historical images from 1960s to 1980s: Recent progress |
李榮興(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 491–496 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
82 |
Active layer thickness retrieval over the qinghai-tibet plateau from 2000 to 2020 based on insar-measured subsidence and multi-layer soil moisture |
李榮興(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 437–442 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
83 |
Hyperspectral image change detection based on intrinsic image decomposition feature extraction |
柳思聰(通訊) |
SPIE Remote Sensing, Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXVII |
2021,11862 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
84 |
Unmanned aerial vehicle derived 3d model evaluation based on ICESAT-2 for ICE surface micro-topography analysis in east antarctica |
喬剛(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 463–468 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
85 |
Observations of continuous instability for scar inlet ICE shelf, antarctic peninsula |
喬剛(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 485–490 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
86 |
A review of surge-type glaciers |
喬剛(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 503-508 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
87 |
Comparison of cryosat-2 and icesat-2 on water level monitoring of NAM CO Lake |
喬剛(通訊) |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 527–532 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
88 |
Inversing glacier albedo in high mountain Asia based on sentinel-3 satellite data |
田一翔 |
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences(XXIV ISPRS Congress) |
2021,XLIII-B3-2021, 509–514 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
89 |
A novel method for inversing FeO content from spectral absorption characteristics and maturity index using LSCC data |
王超(通訊) |
International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing 2021 |
2021,doi:10.1117/12.2589329 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
90 |
A New Strategy for Comparison of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Methods with Landsat Remote Sensing Images Considering Regional Consistency |
許雄(通訊) |
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Ennironmental Science |
2021, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/687/1/012166 |
EI會議 |
國內 |
91 |
On geolocation uncertainty in radio occultation observations for ionospheric scintillation monitoring at Alaska |
楊哲 |
Proceedings of the 34th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2021), St. Louis, Missouri, September 2021 |
2021,pp.3878-3885 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
92 |
A Novel Robust Point Cloud Registration Method Based on Directional Feature Weighted Constraint |
葉勤(通訊) |
SPIE Proceedings, Twelfth International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics |
2021,12057 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
93 |
High-resolution GRACE Monthly Gravity Field Solutions Expressed as Geopotential Coefficients |
陳秋杰 |
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021 |
2021,EGU21-9594 |
EI會議 |
國外 |
94 |
利用GRACE時變重力場數據監測長江流域干旱 |
陳義(通訊) |
大地測量與地球動力學 |
2021,41(2):196-200 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
95 |
幾種附電離層約束GNSS單頻PPP性能評估 |
葛海波(通訊) |
全球定位系統 |
2021,46(4):59-65 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
96 |
BDS/Galileo/GPS三頻精密單點定位模型比較與分析 |
李博峰(通訊) |
導航定位學報 |
2021,9(1):78-87,121 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
97 |
陰影匹配虛擬觀測值融合的GPS定位方法 |
李博峰(通訊) |
導航定位學報 |
2021,9(6):1-18 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
98 |
衛星導航定位課程中愛國主義教育內容的融入探討 |
李浩軍 |
導航定位學報 |
2021,9(1):135-138 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
99 |
基于殘差統計的三類北斗衛星隨機模型估計與特性分析 |
沈云中(通訊) |
測繪工程 |
2021,30(1):30-36 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
100 |
2002~2020年剛果河流域陸地水儲量變化分析 |
沈云中(通訊) |
大地測量與地球動力學 |
2021,41(5): 466-470,483 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
101 |
《衛星導航定位原理與應用》課程中的四史教育 |
楊玲 |
導航定位學報 |
2021,9(2):122-126 |
CSCD期刊 |
國內 |
102 |
衛星導航定位原理與應用課程的“三全育人”實踐探索 |
李博峰 |
高教學刊 |
2021,7(29):185-188 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
103 |
新型測繪傳感器檢定技術國際標準建設思路 |
劉春(通訊) |
測繪標準化 |
2021,37(1):1-7 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
104 |
面向多光譜生態遙感觀測目標的波段配組方法 |
劉春 |
山東科技大學學報(自然科學版) |
2021,40(5):43-51 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
105 |
機載低空多光譜傳感器性能評價方法分析 |
劉春 |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(5):34-39 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
106 |
城市概念的蔓生與規范芻議 |
石憶邵 |
現代城市研究 |
2021,(9):97-102 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
107 |
城市獨立坐標系轉換為CGCS2000橢球時投影參數的選取方法 |
王解先(通訊) |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(2):62-66 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
108 |
一種計算不規則物體體積和重心坐標的方法 |
王解先(通訊) |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(8):46-50 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
109 |
GNSS聯合全站儀在車載高精制圖系統中的應用 |
王解先(通訊) |
第十二屆中國衛星導航年會論文集——S01衛星導航行業應用 |
2021 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
110 |
聯合Sentinel-1A和GPS數據分析高雄地震形變 |
伍吉倉(通訊) |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(10):59-63 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
111 |
基于軌道移動激光掃描的圓形隧道正射影像糾正算法 |
姚連壁(通訊) |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(1):41-46,53 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
112 |
基于掃描斷面的磁浮軌道限界檢測 |
姚連壁 |
工程勘察 |
2021,49(2):41-45 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
113 |
面向測繪類專業的“智能手機程序設計”課程建設研究 |
馮金濤 |
測繪與空間地理信息 |
2021,44(11):1-3 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |
114 |
新形勢下人才隊伍建設策略分析研究——以上海市某公辦高校為例 |
韓晶 |
教育觀察 |
2021,10(33):32-34 |
其他期刊 |
國內 |