報告人:楊波(香港理工大學 助理教授)
時間:2024年12月18日(周三) 14:00-15:00
A long-standing goal in machine intelligence is to build systems that are able to infer the underlying 3D scene semantics as well as understand its physical information. This is a fundamental necessity for spatial intelligence, embodied AI, and robotics. In this talk, I will first present our recent work on 3D physics learning from dynamic videos. After that, I will present our latest work on 3D semantics learning from point clouds. At last, the key challenges and possible research directions will be discussed.
楊波,現為香港理工大學計算機系助理教授,vLAR研究組負責人。2020年9月獲牛津大學計算機博士學位。主要研究方向包括:三維視覺、機器學習、機器人等,專注于讓智能機器真正理解和重建復雜三維場景,從而實現機器智能決策并與環境自主交互。 其諸多研究成果發表于TPAMI、IJCV、NeurIPS、ICLR、ICML、CVPR、ICCV、ECCV、ICRA、IROS等國際期刊和會議。多個研究工作被國內外知名行業媒體報道,在學術界和工業界有廣泛影響。入選2024年度全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單 (World's Top 2% Scientists List by Stanford & Elsevier)。