報告人:Asoke Kumar Nandi(英國布魯內爾大學 教授)
This presentation will explore the roles of data, model, and uncertainties, which also explores decision-making. Under the emerging realm of big data, the scientific journey, which is mostly based on personal research and experience, starts from classic laboratory experiments to recent examples of data-driven artificial intelligence at the interface of physics, time series prediction, wireless communications, signal processing, etc.
Professor Nandi received PhD degree in Physics from University of Cambridge (Trinity College), and has held academic positions in universities including Strathclyde, Liverpool, Imperial College London and Oxford, before joining Brunel University London in 2013. In 1983, he co-discovered the W+, W, and Z0 particles, pivotal for unifying electromagnetic and weak forces, for which the Nobel Prize in Physics 1984 was awarded to his team leaders. His research focuses on signal processing and machine learning in many application areas. He is Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK) and six other institutions, he received honors from Academia Europaea in 2023 and multiple awards, including the lEEE Heinrich Hertz Award (2012) and the Glory of Bengal Award (2010). He was also an lEEE Distinguished Lecturer from 2018 to 2019. The H-index of his publications is 91 (Google Scholar).